
Welcome Back! Eat some ramen, choose a new S adjective for SPLAT, make plans, tell us how your summer went . . .


It’s International Video Game Day Saturday! We’ll investigate apps to create your own video games while eating typical video game food and making an avatar or two.


Have an awesome day playing with Legos and watching . . . yup, you guessed it!


SPLATAKU!! Manga and Anime for all! Chopsticks for all! Onigiri for All! Shinigami for . . .


You know Thor, Loki, and Heimdall. Now meet the rest of that fun loving gang in Rick Riordan’s new series! Norse God WTQ.


Video, Board, Card! . Uh, yeah, Games! Tournaments? Check the blog.


Goosebumps!! Vote for (and watch) the scariest Goosebumps book/episode! Check the blog.


Get Away @ Your Library – Celebrate Teen Read Week with Post It Note Art on the Windows!! Yay!!


3 - 6 p.m. Zombie Prom! Get made up here - wear old light colored clothes and get gored up! Play zombie games, eat zombie food, dance zombie dances . . . Prizes to best dressed, best made up, best portrayal.


Video, Board, Card! Uh, yeah, Games! Tournament? Check the blog.


Because there has not been enough crafting and movie watching . . . Duct Tape (and/or pool noodle) Craft and a movie!!


Celebrate! A new Harry Potterish movie, International Game Day Saturday the 21st - Jill’s Last SPLAT!

There is no registration for SPLAT; just show up in the Library's meeting room downstairs at 3 p.m.

Friday, February 26, 2010

SPLAT of the Gods!

SPLAT of the Gods! Our setting: The small Greek village of Eleftina – on the coast of the sea – about 2500 B.C. Our characters include: Aristagoras, (NPC) a minor nobleman, who has two children: Harmonia, 18, and Myron, 15. He has two guards, Zenophon and Drexik. The innkeeper is Simon and his wife is Clytia. The local blacksmith is Euripedes. Captain of the town guard (of approximately 12 men) is Zeon. Local farmer is Polygnotes. Any other characters are NPCs and controlled by the GM.

After the sporting match at the small area in the village, when the bee-stung bull had to be subdued, the men noticed, over the hills to the northeast of the village, a darkening sky. It didn’t look like a rain storm, it looked like the onset of night rapidly approaching. Euripedes watched the dark grow ever closer very quickly, while the rest of the group noticed that the water was rapidly disappearing from the shore. Aristagoras sent his son Myron to his house on the other side of the village with Zenophon while he and Drexik started toward the inn with Simon. The captain of the town guard commanded his men to build a dam.

Simon’s wife was busy serving a guard of about 10 soldiers. They had a strange accent, and she didn’t recognize any of them, nor their captain. The men were in the main room eating, while ‘someone’ she hadn’t seen had been given a private room down the hallway.

Harmonia was at home overseeing the servants prepare an elaborate meal for the mysterious unnamed guest that her father was entertaining later that day. A servant came to her telling her that there was a woman at the back entrance wanting to talk to her. She saw a woman of indeterminate age, well dressed but with a cloak covering her hair and face. In a quiet voice the woman asked Harmonia for a pomegranate – Harmonia took one from a basket in the cooking area and brought it to the woman. The woman drew close to Harmonia and said quietly, “Prepare to flee.” She turned and left immediately, and Harmonia had no time to ask her what she meant. Harmonia entered the house and went to her room, gathering items she considered essential to an unexpected and precipitous departure.

Meanwhile, there was upset at the inn; one of the unusual soldiers ran into the inn and whispered something in the ear of his captain. The commander hurried down the hallway and entered the private room after briefly knocking on the door. Clytia was walking down the hallway when the door to the private room opened and the captain hurried out. She turned to look at him after he passed and was almost knocked to the floor by . . . nothing! There was nothing in the hall, but it felt like a large man had bumped into her.

Polygnotes watched the receding water intently and soon saw, besides the marooned fish and sea life, large shapes moving towards the shore. He was the first to notice that the figures looked like large men. As they grew closed, he realized that what he took to be helmets of a fish shape were actually the heads of the creatures. While the 10 foot high creatures had the bodies of muscular men, their heads were the silvery gray of fish scales, with large staring round red fish eyes to either side. And, in the gaping fish mouths, hundreds of sharp pointed teeth pushed out in horrible arrays. The beasts carried a triton in one hand and a metal net in the other.

The guard Xenophon glanced down the street that lead to the water and noticed the fish-beasts coming closer and closer. Aristagoras hurried on to the inn, while Drexik and Myron ran to the noble’s home. They met Harmonia at the front preparing a ritual to her god, Apollo, to protect the house from the fish-beast that was bearing down on them from about 50 yards away.

At the inn, the captain and his men hurriedly left their seats and dinners and, forming a protective barrier around . . . nothing! . . . moved away from the inn. Aristagoras and Simon, both coming towards the inn, saw the group running rapidly towards the path to the northwest of the village.

Back at the arena, the town guardsmen were milling about, discussing how to build a dam. And . . .

1 comment:

  1. XD I miss this game it was so fun we have to start it up again!!!!!
